Written by 12:51 am Attractions, Best of Best, Leisure, Things To Do

Why Every Cat Lover Needs to Visit the “Meow Parlour”


Picture this: You’re in a tiny cafe with your friends, sipping organic juices and munching on tiny, decadent cookies. The atmosphere is light, and everyone is in high spirits. Suddenly, as if things couldn’t get any sweeter, a wide-eyed cat jumps onto your lap, and it’s eyeing your cookie. Your friends’ laughter fills the cafe, and you can’t help but laugh too. This adorable fantasy is an even more adorable reality at the New York City “Meow Parlour.”

On 46 Hester Street, right next to Chinatown, you will find a place with glass windows that peer right into a small room filled with felines. This place is the “Meow Parlour,” and these kitties are just begging to be played with. “Cat Cafe’s” are a creation that started in Taiwan, and became popular attractions throughout Asia. Their popularity soon reached Europe and North America, and thus the Meow Parlour was born.

Before stepping into this furry wonderland, you have to make a reservation at www.meowparlour.com. A visit for adults and kids over 11 cost five dollars and children usually get discounts. Once you have your reservation, you’ll want to go to their patisserie first to pick up some snacks. This patisserie sells all sorts of goodies, with their most popular sweet being their cat shaped macarons. They are so tasty, and you can get them in all sorts of flavors. After you’ve picked up your treats, then you will head to the cafe, where you will be greeted by very friendly staff members. Once you have placed your bags and shoes in a safe area, you are free to play with their kitties for a whole hour. There are toys that you can use to play with them, tables to eat your pastries, and even souvenirs to bring home.

Each cat has its own distinct personality, and they all have a lot of love packed in them. Remember that cats are unpredictable, however, so do not be angry if one of them gets a little too excited and ends up giving you a small scratch, or if one of them is a little more shy and does not want to be pet. There are plenty of other furballs in the cafe that do want your love.

The best part about this place? All of their cats are adoptable! The meow parlour believes strongly in the “Adopt don’t shop” movement, so if there is a kitty that has truly won over your heart, then you can give them a forever home! That makes this cafe an excellent destination for both tourists, as well as future cat owners. Next time you are craving the love of a feline friend, check this place out, and find yourself in a fuzzy little paradise.


Featured Image via Wikimedia

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