Fast Money

The best walking tours of New York City

Cruises, WallStreet

The best walking tours of New York City New York City is one of the most exciting and dynamic...
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Money-Saving Superstitions One Shouldn’t Believe

Fine Living, Hustle & Bustle, Money Tips

Money-saving superstitions are some of the most common found on the Internet. But there are also many widespread financial myths that...
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10 Legitimate Ways to Make Money from Home

Career, Fast Money, Money Tips

Money today is one of the hardest things to come by. With the economy in turmoil, jobs are hard to find, and staying employed is even...
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Pay Increase for Head US Execs Last Year

Career, Fast Money, Fine Living, Hustle & Bustle, Leisure, Lifestyle, Money Tips, WallStreet • 8 Comments

Pay packages for the US’ top executives once more escalated in 2016 following its slip the...
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OPEC Poised for “Safe Bet” of Oil Cuts Extension by Nine Months

Career, Fast Money, Hustle & Bustle, Lifestyle, Money Tips, WallStreet • 2 Comments

OPEC and its allies were prepared to prolong their production cuts for an additional nine months following the failure of last year’s...
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Latest Trump Budget Cuts Children’s Health Insurance Program

Career, Fast Money, Fine Living, Health & Fitness, Hustle & Bustle, Lifestyle, Money Tips • 5 Comments

Trump’s most recently divulged budget intends to cut Children’s Health Insurance Program by at 20% over the span of the next two fiscal...
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The Death of Fashion, Prime Capitalization Opportunity for Luxury Gyms

Accessories, Career, Fashion, Fast Money, Fine Living, Health & Fitness, Hustle & Bustle, Leisure, Lifestyle, Men Style, Street Style, Women Style • 2 Comments

It’s a widely known fact that consumers are increasingly willing to spend their money on...
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Apple Purchases Sleep-Tracking Hardware Company Beddit

Career, Fast Money, Fine Living, Health & Fitness, Hustle & Bustle, Lifestyle, Tech • 6 Comments

Apple has recently acquired Beddit, which is a Finnish company that is responsible for the creation of sleep-tracking devices that work...
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NYC Ferry Already Causing Delays

Boats & Yachts, City Guide, Fast Money, Hustle & Bustle, Lifestyle, New York Neighborhood, Spotlight, The New Yorker, Transportation • 5 Comments

It was meant to be a historic movement in transportation in the Big Apple. It was meant to help out the transportation system and make way...
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France Sent 42 Representatives to Global Climate Summit, Trump Administration Sent 7

Career, Fast Money, Fine Living, Health & Fitness, Hustle & Bustle, Lifestyle • One Comment

The US just sent a group of seven registered participants to a vital United Nations meeting...
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