Written by 4:27 pm Best of Best, City Guide, Profiles, Spotlight, The New Yorker

NYC: Highest Pet Adoption Rate


If you are an animal lover, love to read a heartwarming story about an animal finding a forever home, and find yourself aw’ing at pictures of cute pets, then this article may make you smile form ear to ear today. A new study was conducted on the adoption of pets. Pet adoption of rescue animals is becoming more popular everyday, all over the country, but one city in particular sticks our for having the highest adoption rate. That city? Our very own New York City.

The Animal Care Center’s of New York City has just released a statement stating that their adoptions rate went up significantly. Since 2016 there has been a 24% increase in the adoption of pets due to the supply of resources to keep families and their pets together and to not abandon them. The first quarter placement rate went up to a record breaking 94.3 percent. With dogs being 92.6 percent and cats being 95.5 percent. This increase has all been possible to the animals being put up for adoption or through a partner program.

1,345 fewer animals entered the shelter this year, adding to this significant increase. According to the CEO of the center, Risa Weinstock, new protocols were put into place when adoption an animal, to make it easier for people wanting to adopt and find their “perfect pet”. Cages were replaced for cats, thanks to Maddie’s Fund, a family foundation that aims to promote a “no kill” nation to animals, giving the cats more room while they wait for a home.

The ACC accepts all animals, no matter their age, breed, health, and behavior. They serve all five boroughs making them the only shelter to do so, and differ as some of the other shelters are a bit more selective as to what kind of animals they take in.

If you and your family are considering getting a pet, look into adoption, these pets are no different from a pet purchased at a pet store or breeder, and just like them, are too looking for a forever home.


Featured Image Via Pexels

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