Written by 3:13 pm Health & Fitness, New York Neighborhood

Pregnant Women have a bad case of Zika


The Zika virus has been spreading all over parts of Florida and South America. Pregnant women are in danger of getting infected and having the dangerous effects on their babies, especially now in New York City.

With the virus spreading to New York, approximately 56 women have been infected.  The causes of the virus in the city is generally linked to people traveling where there is a higher risk of the disease, according to New York Magazine.

Miami is the central location where the Zika virus is being held.  The local mosquitoes don’t carry the virus, but people are still preventing themselves from getting bitten by using several different methods.  Some of their methods include bug spray, traps and draining subway puddles.

The first baby to have microcephaly was in July and the infant’s head and brain were shrunk down due to the Zika virus.  This led to health officials to warn other pregnant women to keep their distance away from Zika affected areas, especially Miami.

Other health organizations have had difficulties battling the disease, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  The CDC have sent approximately $35 million to Florida to combat the virus, but the money was quickly spent, according to the Washington Free Beacon website.

The season of mosquitoes is still in effect for the next month and the virus is still out there.  Although there is a low chance of getting the virus in the city, women should still be careful about where they travel.

If someone is thinking about getting pregnant, be sure to be in a safe, secure place so no disease in will interfere with anything.

“Featured Image via Wikipedia”

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