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Re-Creation Of A Monumental Arch


With the war on ISIS that has become an issue all over the world, causing anger, scare, and concern among people all around the world, it is difficult to avoid the extremist group anywhere in the news. One hears and reads constantly the conflicting issues going on halfway around the world, and only hope that close to their home will not be harmed by the group. With the group not only taking lives, and damaging cities around the world with their cowardly acts, they have also destroyed history.

History had been sitting in Palmyra, Syria for thousands and thousands of years with the monumental Palmyra arch standing as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Completed in the third century by an emperor, it was one of the most visited sites by tourists, and also had to be restored quite a few times.

On October 2015, it was confirmed that ISIS or ISIL had destroyed the arch. Palmyra was captured by the terrorist group, and militants had blown up the site with a dynamite. Although half of the structure was still standing, history had been taken down. The president of Syria and the director-general of UNESCO condemned the attack. Although gone, but not fully gone, as stones of the original arch are still around, reconstruction of the arch would begin, except it will come to New York City before heading back to its roots.

Researchers from Britain’s Institute for Digital Archeology had designed a 3-D replica of the arch. With photographs, a computer model was made, and a water jet stone carver set the plans to remake the iconic arch come back to life. Displayed in London’s Trafalgar square, it will now come to New York in September and will be displayed there before going to Dubai, and then heading back to Syria.

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, remodeled and showed around the world to prove that not only can archaeologists recreate an old site, but that good will always prevail from evil.

Featured Image Via Wikimedia

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