Written by 6:46 am Art Exhibitions, ARTS & CULTURE, Best of Best, City Guide, Profiles, The New Yorker

Trump Statue, A Laughing Stock


With the upcoming election in November, it’s hard to imagine a more humorous side to the politics. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have set off a war of words, and this year’s election will be more unique than ever before, with a business man with the potential to win President of the United States, and a woman becoming the first ever female president of the United States. Luckily humor came to New York City on the upcoming debate, when this morning a fully nude, life size sculpture of Donald Trump caused laughter throughout the city.

It is nothing out of the ordinary for Trump to make comments which seem unprofessional, unpatriotic, and even inappropriate. With being an unlikely candidate to the Republican side, it is already hard to wrap one’s head around as to how we got to this. But today, there was a little humor in the politics side, as a nude sculpture of Donald Trump was placed in Union Square.

New York City had the pleasure of getting a laugh out of this hilarious looking sculpture, which even showed a very ‘small’ portion of Trump’s privates, as several cities throughout the country had statues placed in locations.

The fun ended and the statue was short lived, as members of the New York City Department of Park and Recreation removed the statue. The statue was placed in the back of a truck and taken away to an undisclosed location. Although the fun was over, and the snaps stopped since the statue was taken away, NYC park officials and even the mayor had a laugh over the incident. NYC Parks released a statement saying “NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small”, while New York City mayor Bill de Blasio was asked about the statue at a press conference and replied with ” That is a frightening thought. When he’s wearing clothes I don’t like him.”

No comment has been issued by Trump. Yet.

Featured Image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore

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