Written by 1:15 am Cycles, New York Neighborhood

NYC Bikers Honor 9/11 Victims


Numerous people had lost their lives on 9/11 and as the years past, family members and friends honor the victims of the tragedy including New York City bikers.

The America’s 9/11 Ride is where the bikers of New York ride their bicycles and motorcycles around the country to pay tribute to the victims of the terrorist attack.  The began at the Flight 93 crash site near Shanksville, Pennsylvania and rode down south towards the Pentagon, according to Fox News.

After the Pentagon, the bikers drove back to the city and passed by the 9/11 memorial.  This drive through several states around the country helped commend those who lost their lives that day.

During the America’s 9/11 Ride, the bikers are often blocking the road for most of the commuters and it becomes and issue with the police in Maryland and Virginia.  State officials demanded that they have to maintain a safe traffic flow when they do their ride for the victims.

This ride is also a foundation that raises money in order to give scholarships to children of first responders, according to The Daily Caller.

The rides have raised thousands of dollars in the past and now they have given away approximately, $300,000 in college scholarships.  The foundation had also given money in equipment to the first responders of the U.S. and Canada.

Locals were drawn to the foundation and thanked each and every one of those bikers who rode around the states for the 9/11 victims. This was the last ride honoring the fallen people and the bikers have made memories and money for the children.

The America’s 9/11 Ride was an acceptable way of honoring the victims of the terrorist attack and although it was the final ride, people will still have a way to pay tribute to their lost friends and family members.

“Featured Image via Wikipedia”


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