Written by 6:26 am Art Exhibitions, ARTS & CULTURE, Best of Best, City Guide, Spotlight, The New Yorker

A Suspended Park


The Worlds Fair in 1964 brought in over 51 million people to New York. With the third time being a charm it was no doubt that it was one to remember. The massive fair was held at the New York State Pavilion in Queen’s New York, where companies all over the world displayed their advances in technology. Years later, the site of the world famous world fair is now abandoned, only for people to see and maybe take a picture or two, or catch a glimpse at it while driving towards JFK airport, or coming into New York City. Now what was once glory, is now getting hopes into becoming something memorable again.

A silver Unisphere, rusty sculptures, and concrete is what one has to remember the iconic world fair. For years they have stood there, but now a competition was held to designers all over the world for ideas on how to revitalize the pavilion. The competition was held by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, and People for the Pavilion.

The winner, Washington-based designers, Aidan Doyle and Sarah Wan’s, had a unique and different concept to bring to the pavilion, which made them win the contest. They are envisioning something very futuristic. With their design called ‘Hanging Meadow’, it showcases the future of parks in not just New York City but the world. Their idea is to have a suspended garden and to have people be able to walk around inside and explore the public park.

Not just an incredible garden with native plants held by the concrete pillars of the pavilion, but also a small observatory of the city, as incredible views would give viewers on the suspended park a glamorous view of New York City.

Although the restoration sounds too good to be true for Queen’s hopefuls, it is. The restoration would cost $53 million dollars, although ten million has already been raised in restoration hopes. No word yet on when construction would start or even if ‘Hanging Meadow’ will be the final concept of a restoration plan.

One thing is clear, though, the New York Pavilion will always represent the optimistic and future hope the people had in the World Fair. People hopes for mustangs, and computers, and new technology, and it all came to this generation. Those who lived the World Fair want nothing more than to preserve that optimism with something modern but yet symbolizing the great World Fair on 1964.

Featured Image via Wikipedia

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