Written by 2:56 pm Lifestyle, Restaurants

Pups in Cafes; Man’s Best Friend Gets new Liberties


When enjoying a nice cup of coffee on a summer day in NYC one usually decides to relax and catch up on things they have to get done or what not, but for dog lovers, it is a chance to bring their furry friend to enjoy the outside while their owner enjoys themselves as well.

Luckily for dog owners and lovers, a new law has been passed that allows New Yorker’s to bring their four-legged friends to outdoor cafes. It not only has been convenient for dog owners, but it also has made some cafes boom with business.

A restaurant called Bar Primi is celebrating the success of the new law by offering a bowl to dogs while their owners enjoy their food.

The new law allows dogs to go to outdoor cafes as long as there is not a kitchen with food being made, other words known as food prep. Before this law, dogs were not even allowed to sit at the tables of the cafes, as the law would not allow it. Typically owners would let their dogs sit on the sidewalk or take the coffee to go. With this new law enacted, dogs can now sit at the tables outdoors, right next to  their owners. Dogs must be leashed at all times in order for them to come to the outdoor cafes.

Unfortunately, a law in which dogs are allowed inside cafes is still not in place. Due to sanitary concerns, pups will have to wait for a cafe that allows them to be indoors. Although it would be a dream come true for dog owners, it would be a nightmare for restaurant/cafe owners, as they would need to check that the dogs have been vaccinated with all their shots, especially rabies.

So far no bad incidents have reported from restaurant/cafe owners of our four-legged friends, which is always a good sign.

Featured Image via Flick / By: m01229

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