Written by 8:17 am Health & Fitness, New York Neighborhood

Medical Marijuana Programs Spread


When people have a certain disease they sometimes resort to using drugs in order to help themselves, especially marijuana.  The New York medical marijuana program offers that for people and now they are expanding their home deliveries.

This new program was allowed by a 2014 law signed by New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo.  This led to new policies that allowed deliveries to patients who are too ill to travel, according to the New York Times.

Although the use of marijuana is illegal to smoke in the state of New York, they still let nurse practitioners take the drug to the patients in order to see if they are qualified to the treatment.  To avoid breaking the law, they have used the drug in a different way such as a spray or tincture form.

Changes have been made into the program that make sure that the deliveries have met the requirements.  One example is the number of conditions in a qualified patient.  If someone is experiencing cancer, AIDS and epilepsy then they are eligible for the marijuana, according to the New York Times.

These deliveries will be beneficial for the patients seeking them.  This way New Yorkers won’t have to waste their energy leaving their homes and the treatments are brought to them.  The price of the drug doesn’t have one exact amount, but the range is approximately $200 to $1,000.

Doctors have not been comfortable with having to help their patients with the use of marijuana.  Dealing with this drug is common for them and they question why do these people put their lives at stake with this drug use.  Others have found the use of expanding their nurse practitioners will be helpful to treat their customers.

If someone is need of a drug that will help them when their seriously ill, order from the New York medical marijuana program.

“Featured Image via Wikipedia”

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