By now New Yorker’s are irritated with hearing that transportation prices are going up, or repairs are causing making the commute longer, or broken down subway lines causing delays. Now, some potentially good news is headed our way, as a new proposed plan could make a nightmare commute much easier.
Commuters of Staten Island to the Big Apple may be in for a surprise not far down the road, as a new proposal has most on their feet with their fingers crossed. A possibility of bringing the Staten Island Ferry to midtown rather than just downtown is being studied and looked at by the Department of Transportation. Another location that the ferry could be brought to is Pier 11, right near Wall street.
It is almost too good to be true for commuters of Staten Island, as there are many hurdles that need to be overcome according to the Transportation Department commissioner, Polly Trottenberg. She noted that the terminals framework would need to be fixed and that more ferries would need to be built in order to provide a fast moving and easier commute to many, as well as fixing up old ones.
The borough president of Staten Island, James Oddo, requested that passengers could possibly be dropped off at East 34th street, which would be in Midtown and could mean that the ferries would be coming into the East River Midtown Ferries terminal, or that a new terminal would be built right near there. Also, Wall St, which as stated earlier, would mean the ferries would come to pier 11. Two locations in which many people work.
States Island commuters have been noted to have the worst and hardest commute, relying on the ferry or another form of transportation making a long day even longer. This idea could improve this problem dramatically not just for the people of Staten Island, but also to locals and tourism as well.
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