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NYC Tourism Going Down?


Everyone knows New York City is known for many things, but one of those things that sticks out the most is the tourism. New York City has had a long-standing tradition of some of the most popular tourist attractions in the world. Now the Big Apple is finding itself in somewhat of an issue. Its tourism has gone down.

One of the least things to worry about in New York City was the tourism. With all the hustle and bustle it brings it was never thought of as an issue. However, travel groups are claiming tourism is falling among international visitors and the reason? Trump.

NYC & Company, which is the official tourism group for New York City has announced that they believe 2017 will bring in a drop of 300,000 less international tourists than last year. With Trump’s new policies and travel bans, the company believes this is the culmination of problems ahead to the tourist industry in New York City.

Although only 20% of tourism in New York City is international, companies want to focus on them more since they buy and do more attractions than a domestic tourist. They are also willing to stay longer and most likely in a hotel, while a domestic tourist could know someone and spend less time in the city.

NYC & Company is going to work hard to make sure that their industry and stores still stick out to many of the international tourists. A campaign has even begun to remove any doubts on tourists reconsidering coming to New York.

On the other hand, the hotel business is booming, as hotel demand grew 1.2 million in the last year, and 24,000 more rooms are expected to be built by the end of 2019.

This drop comes after a successful past year when tourism hit roughly about 60.3 million visitors which was the seventh year of continuous growth for tourism in New York City.

Featured Image Via Pexels

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