Written by 1:41 am First Looks, Health & Fitness, Money Tips, New York Neighborhood

$5,000 deal at the first Egg Freezing Clinic in Manhattan


Women often find it expensive for them to go to an egg freezing clinic to extend their fertility, but that problem has been resolved with the newly opened Extend Fertility clinic, in Manhattan.

When women decide to have a baby, they try going to one of these clinics in order to freeze their eggs in order to gain pregnancy.  However, it doesn’t always come so easy.

This new egg freezing only institution, offers women an extended fertility for only $5,000.  Most New Yorkers usually can’t afford to go to other clinics due to the price being approximately around $10,000, but with Extend Fertility women can freeze their eggs at a more affordable price.

Although the price had dropped down, it still wouldn’t guarantee women pregnancy because the success rate is just below 24 percent.  Women in their late 20s and early 30s gave birth the most and others look for partners and try to start a family together, according to NY Daily News.

The $5,000 package the new clinic offers women early consults, fertility assessments, monitoring visits and egg storage for the first six months.  The package will also include 12 or more frozen eggs through a procedure.

With the $5,000 package, women will also have to pay extra for hormone medication and keeping the eggs frozen after six months.  After the free six months of egg storage, a person would have to pay $450 a year in order to keep the eggs frozen.

Dr. Joshua Klein, cofounder of Extend Fertility, said in the NY Daily News, “We did as much as we could to roll everything into pricing.”  Even with the package being at $5,000 it would still be costly for women to go through with this procedure.

If a woman is thinking about getting pregnant and having a baby, look for a mate and try the natural way of  adding more family members.

“Featured Image via Wikimedia”

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