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Triathlon Winner To Run Marathon


With United States winning the most medals, in fact the most gold medals at the Olympics, it is exciting to watch some of the world’s best come compete right here in our very own neighborhood. With so many sporting events still scheduled to take place right here in the Big Apple, many Olympians who competed in Rio will be competing to be the best in their sport once again.

Several tennis stars will be returning to the big stage at the US Open to win their most prized possession, while some of the world’s most competitive long distance runners will be running the challenging 26.2 mile marathon. But for the world’s best female triathlon champion her eyes are set on one thing, the New York Marathon.

Olympic triathlon gold medalist Gwen Jorgensen won her first gold medal in the women’s triathlon in Rio. It was not only her first gold medal, but it was the United States first gold medal in the triathlon. An iconic moment not only in Jorgensen’s life but in the United State’s as well, as it dominated several events in the Olympics. The 30-year-old announced four days after the race that she would be running the NYC marathon on November 6th.

Jorgensen released a statement saying “This has been such an incredible year for me, and I thought what better way to continue to challenge myself than by running my first marathon. The triathlon will always be my first love, but I am really looking forward to the marathon.”

It will be quite the challenge for her and the hundreds of runners running from around the world, as she will have to run a much longer course than she is used to. The Olympic triathlon running distance is roughly 6.2 miles. The NYC marathon is 26.2. Ten more miles than she is used to running.

But for a woman that swam relatively close to mile, cycled 25 miles, and ran 6.2, it seems as if this may just be another challenge for Jorgensen, but one she will conquer with a lot of pride after becoming an Olympic gold medalist.

Featured Image via Wikimedia

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