Tag: Trump

United Update: CEO to Face Court about Passenger Mistreatment

Aircraft, Career, Fast Money, Fine Living, Health & Fitness, Hustle & Bustle, Leisure, Lifestyle, Travel, WallStreet • One Comment

Lawmakers castigated executives from United Airlines and other carriers this Tuesday as part of the...
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Trump’s Visit To NYC

City Guide, Fast Money, First Looks, Hustle & Bustle, New York Neighborhood, The New Yorker, Transportation

Almost four months after becoming the president of the United States of America, Donald Trump will be paying a visit to New York City, and...
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Philippines’ Duterte invited to White House by Trump

Fine Living, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle

President Donald Trump extended an invitation to his diverging Philippines counterpart to the White House over a phone call between the two...
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China Ponders Stricter Sanctions on North Korea

Aircraft, Career, Fast Money, Lifestyle, Uncategorized, WallStreet

One of the main points that emerged from Trump’s recent meeting with US lawmakers regarding North...
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France Votes in a Contested Presidential Election

Lifestyle, Travel, Uncategorized

France voted in the election for a new president this Sunday after a complex and scandalous campaign laden with accusations of corruption...
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US Aircraft Carrier Risks Being Sunk by North Korea

Aircraft, Boats & Yachts, Lifestyle

This Sunday North Korea openly threatened to sink a US aircraft carrier that has begun to partake in drills with two Japanese destroyers in...
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Age of Trump, Age of Censorship? Dreamer Claims Deportation, Government Negates it

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Juan Manuel Montes Bojorquez once displayed the promise of a better future but has become one of...
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Pence Kick Starts Changes in US-Asia Trade

Career, Fast Money, Hustle & Bustle, Lifestyle

The US is seeking “stronger and more balanced bilateral trade relationships” such nations such as Japan and South Korea, reveled Pence...
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Qatar Airways CEO Negates the Benefits of Laptop Ban on Flying

Aircraft, Career, Fast Money, Fine Living, Hustle & Bustle, Lifestyle, Tech, Travel, Vacations • One Comment

In a surprising and unexpected decision, last month Trump’s administration banned passengers from bringing anything bigger than a...
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US and Allies Reevaluate After Latest North Korean Missile Test

Lifestyle, Uncategorized

According to a statement released by Trump’s national security advisor on Sunday, the United...
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