Tag: rap

DMV vs Midwest Mixtape is Released, Contains Songs From Chief Keef and Jirias

Music and Concerts

Mixtapes are a common sight in many online (and offline) rap communities, and the online...
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Indie Music Highlight: Jirias and RKG Release EP New Year

ARTS & CULTURE, Music and Concerts

After the incredibly disastrous and hopefully soon to be forgotten year that was 2016 , Palestinian-American rapper Jirias and producer...
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Rising Local Music: Jirias and RKG Ready Upcoming EP “New Year”

ARTS & CULTURE, Music and Concerts

Here we like to put the spotlight on the music and artists that you might not otherwise come across, and today we are happy to shine that...
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Music Spotlight: Jirias, the Palestinian hip hop Artist

ARTS & CULTURE, Music and Concerts, Profiles

Welcome to a new feature! We are creating a new series where we highlight some lesser known artists...
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