Written by 5:04 am Best of Best, City Guide, Leisure, Lifestyle

NYC Parks Getting A Lot More Visitors


New York City parks have always been a ‘top of the list’ attraction to tourists from all over. It has been quaint spots to relax for locals, and it can be used in endless ways as entertainment or to do exercise in. Parks in New York City are not only recognized for their sizes but also for the beauty in them, not to mention they’re all free. Now they’re all getting quite the boost, as more and more people are visiting them each day.

Growing interest in the parks has gotten so high that some parks are considered to be ‘overflowing’ with people in them. Although the idea of more people enjoying the outdoors and all the parks New York City has to offer, it is also raising a concern as to how the parks will be able to deal with all the people with its infrastructure.

A fundraising campaign raised $300 million dollars for Central Park, in order to conserve it and fix up large sections. The park that is home to many landmarks is expected to tend to over 40 million visitors in just this year. Only five years ago, the number was seven million less than that. The numbers are expected to grow next year as well.

As of recently, the High Line had an event that was so overcrowded the park had to be shut down, since it is an elevated park. Smaller parks such as Bryant Park have also turned a quiet day in the park, to an overcrowded stressful experience with overcrowding. In 112 days over 3,000 people came to the park during their lunch hours. The park has been a very popular destination on the weekends as well.

It’s not just New York City parks dealing with overcrowding. Brooklyn’s Brooklyn Bridge Park has had it’s numbers go up as well, as over 120,00 people visited the park last year. Brooklyn Bridge has also had a lot more visitors over the past few years with growing popularity.

It’s not all bad news for park lovers, as new parks are also in the works in the city. Currently there are 500 projects underway for parks in the city, making way for new quaint places, and hopefully, more peace and quiet New Yorker’s came to love from their parks.

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