Written by 2:41 pm Profiles, The New Yorker

NYC Increases Security In Wake Of London Attacks


Another city in Europe was once again the center of breaking news, as attacks at the Palace of Westminster in London have caused the world terror again. With terror in any city around the world, comes increased security in New York City, as the city is prepared to take all precautions to keep it’s people safe.

Famous landmarks and the British consulate were heavily guarded this afternoon in New York City as word got around the world of the terror that unfolded in London. NYPD officers were on high alert throughout the day and long gun teams were deployed to areas throughout the city. The areas that are most heavily guarded are, the British consulate, Grand Central Terminal, and City Hall. Many more tourist attractions and heavily crowded areas are also being watched closely although there is no link to the events in London to New York City. No specific threat has been made to the city, but as always extra precaution is being taken.

On Wednesday, at around 2:30 London time, a vehicle plowed through people on the Westminster bridge, injuring at least 20 people. The Westminster bridge is one very popular in tourism, as it is for the residents of London as it crosses the River Thames and connects the Palace of Westminster, as well as the iconic London Eye. Around the same time, the man who drove the car went over to the Palace of Westminster with a knife and stabbed a police officer which sent the house of commons on lock down. The attacker was shot. The incident is being treated as an act of terrorism, and investigations are well underway.

The NYPD is watching the situation closely as an officer who is stationed overseas is briefing the officers back at home. It is also known as an “intelligence gathering”, in which officers are located in other cities around the world. The FBI and homeland security are also monitoring the attack.

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