Written by 2:52 pm Best of Best, City Guide, Dining & Wine, Restaurants

New Tastes At Grand Central


No train ride is complete without a quick grab and go bite to eat, or a small meal to eat beforehand. Or simply vice versa, coming into the city and needing something before heading to work, or wherever. Grand Central for years has characterized itself for having top foods as their vendors and giving New Yorker’s the best of the best for their commutes.

Now commuters and New Yorker’s will have even more options to choose from when eating. The Great Northern Food hall located inside Grand Central in Vanderbilt Hall is just what New Yorker’s could have asked for if they asked for more. It is all part of a dining take over at Grand Central. Granola, parfaits, porridges, danishes, cinnamon rolls, are just some of the few things being served up right now.

The man behind all of this Scandinavian delight is Claus Meyer, the Danish chef and co-owner of Noma, a restaurant in Copenhagen, Denmark. It has been rated one of the best not only in Scandinavia but also the world.

The new market opened up in late June, but has been picking up in the last few weeks as many commute and also tourism picks up over the Summer. On weekends it is packed with customers trying to indulge in one of the freshly baked treats.

All breads and pastries are made on site. Sandwiches made with rugbrød, which is also known as rye bread is used to make unique sandwiches with smoked fish, or shrimp and a boiled egg. A unique and different concoction and one most New Yorkers are not used to. A small bar is located inside the hall with many different spirits and the Scandinavian spirit, aquavit.

This is not the first of Meyer’s success in the Big Apple and to Grand Central. He opened up Agern, a fine Scandinavian restaurant in Grand Central, earlier this year and is hoping to have success with his hospitality group “Meyers USA”, by opening up more venues in the city throughout 2016.

Featured Image via Wikimedia

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