Written by 3:45 am Autos, City Guide, Cycles, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Spotlight, The New Yorker, Transportation

More Protected Bike Lanes


Buses, taxis, cars, and of course the famous cyclists. You get to see all that at once in a block in New York City. It’s our ways of transportation and thousands of people’s ways of transportation. With the growth of citibike, there has been much debate whether it’s the cars or the cyclists who are more rude. Cyclists have also posed a danger to not just themselves, but also pedestrians as well, as some did not oblige by the traffic rules and caused somewhat of a danger zone in cycling in the city. The de Blasio is celebrating, though, as 18 fully protected bike lane miles are coming to the city.

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration will have something to celebrate at the end of this year, as this was a record setting year for protected bike lanes. Earlier in the year, it was said that only 15 lane miles would be placed, but now the number has grown to 18. Last year, 12.4 miles of bike lanes were created. Before de Blasio came into office as mayor, there were only about 5.2 new protected lane miles each year. Talk about a difference.

As the cyclists continue to grow, making it more common for people to bike their way around the city, rather than drive or catch some method of transportation, the Transportation Department is setting a goal of installing 10 miles of protected bike lanes each year. This is all part of a plan to have a more safe biking path for the cyclists.

So far cycling has increased 68% in the last four years, according to a report by am New York. The transportation department also has high hopes to avoid any type of traffic death, as this year there have been 17 reported deaths due to cycling.

So far by the end of the year, there will be 18 protected bike lane miles, which makes about 57% of bike lanes that are still unprotected. Soon that number is expected to increase within the next few years, in order to have not only a city filled with cars and buses but also many cyclists promoting an active lifestyle in the Big Apple.

Featured Image Via Wikpedia

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