Written by 5:17 am Best of Best, Restaurants

Kellogg’s Cafe A Hit


Come and get your cereal!

As we reported last week, a new cafe has opened up in Times Square. The new Kellogg’s Cafe has been bringing in New Yorker’s and tourists from all over and was an instant hit. The cafe is seeing several people come in and is even helping the cereal industry, as cereal sales are indeed low. A fact many did not know.

So far the cafes goal to give people a sort of “nostalgic” feel as to when they are in there eating a bowl of cereal is working. The owners did not just want one to come in for a regular bowl of cereal and a coffee. They wanted one to feel as if they are in the comfort of their own home having a bowl of cereal and reminisce on memories one may have had while eating a bowl of cereal, such as getting ready for school, or watching the infamous Saturday morning cartoons, etc.

That feel worked for many customers on Tuesday when they opened it’s doors to the public. Some people that have gone in have even said they have not had a bowl of cereal since they were children, but that this cafe is helping them go back to their childhood memories. Others simply enjoyed the $7.50 bowl and were left with a smile on their face.

Most of the customers on Tuesday were tourists, but although contrary to what many thought a lot were locals. Opening day was Monday, and the cafe saw a “wave of tourists” come in. Most of the cereals that are available at the restaurant are limited or not in other countries, so when tourists come into the cafe, it’s a real treat to them. Many expected the price to be lower since it’s only cereal, but due to the toppings and concoctions one can make, the $7.50 price doesn’t make it all that bad. Especially given the fact that it is located in an extremely busy area, Times Square.

Next time one is in Times Square, why not relive their childhood memory and stop in to have a tasty bowl of Kellogg’s cereal.

Featured Image via Google Images

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