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Fearless Girl Statue To Stay On Wall Street


A few weeks ago a statue was installed on Wall Street. A little girl standing tall, proud, and bravely at the charging bull. It symbolized so much, especially in a corner of the city in which it gives the impression that men have all the power. She was the most popular girl on the block, and although her stay was supposed to be short, she is now staying until early next year.

State Street Global Advisors installed the “Fearless Girl” statue earlier this month in order to promote getting more woman on corporate boards. She was a hit. Hundreds of people came to see her in her place inspiring many and showing many leadership and strength in women. It basically shouts out “we are not afraid”. Her most fans? Young girls, posing with her tall and proud, some even wearing super hero costumes.

Due to an increased demand in keeping her, she was scheduled to be there until April 2nd, but now a petition signed by more than 28,000 people has the Fearless Girl stature staying until February 2018. Nira Desai who started the position is happy with the results of the petition and feels accomplished for having her stay longer but she still wants to do more. She is now fighting for the statue to be permanent to always have that symbol for women all over the world.

She has not only increased tourism in Wall Street, and not that it needed the increase, but has also shed a light on gender diversity. The statue has opened the eyes of many. A represent of the financial district, Yuh-Line Niou, has written to the mayor and has stated that it has motivated everyone to look past the typical stereotypes placed on women.

When there is a win there is a loss, as not all agree with her placement being extended. Some people have taken to Twitter stating that she is just “an ad” and a “public relations ploy”.

If you thought you missed your chances to see the Fearless Girl statue you still have time to go and see her. For now she will be standing fearlessly and proud at the charging bull and has truly earned her place.

Featured Image Via Wikimedia

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