Tag: Statue

9 Attractive New York Sculpture Adorning City’s Streets

Art Exhibitions, ARTS & CULTURE, City

New York Sculpture on the streets has been interesting for strolling watching the amazing sculpted...
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Fearless Girl Statue To Stay On Wall Street

Art Exhibitions, ARTS & CULTURE, Attractions, Best of Best, City Guide, Spotlight, The New Yorker, Things To Do

A few weeks ago a statue was installed on Wall Street. A little girl standing tall, proud, and bravely at the charging bull. It symbolized...
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A Fearless Girl Statue

Art Exhibitions, ARTS & CULTURE, City Guide, Fast Money, First Looks, New York Neighborhood, Spotlight, The New Yorker, WallStreet

When walking by Wall Street one is intrigued at the bustling small narrow street. One goes to see the stock market, and all around it, but...
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