Written by 7:39 am Spotlight, The New Yorker

Kim and Khloe Kardashian Meet Natalie Franklin

Natalie Franklin behind Nori's Black Book

The Kardashian sisters uncovered the brain behind Nori’s Black Book. Natalie Franklin has been accurately capturing North West’s personality for seven years on social media. With more than 700,000 followers, the page grew to be huge.

Kim and Khloe Kardashian’s Conversation With Natalie Franklin

During the conversation. Natalie stated she is so nervous that people are about to see who she is. She hoped she does not ruin the account for anyone. Kim and Khloe stated it is a good time to reveal who she is as the show is coming to an end. This is what Natalie had to say about the show ending:

“I was very saddened by it. It’s one of those shows you just didn’t think we’re going to end. It’s like The Simpsons or Saturday Night Live, Jeopardy. It’s like one of the staples that have become something we expect to be on TV and to be new. It’s like my life flashed before my eyes because I grew up with the show” she said.

Furthermore, Natalie revealed that she will continue the page even after the show ends.

“I do want to continue the page for as long as I can until North gets of age, and she’s like, “Girl, you’ve got to stop. I’m going to do my own thing now.” I feel like the family has so much, I mean, they are, literally, the cheat code of all media. I don’t think the Kardashians are going to go anywhere anytime soon,” she explained

How Natalie Accurately Captures North’s Personality

When asked about how she accurately captured North’s personality, she said ‘it is a little bit of magic’.

“It’s a weird affection I have for her like she would be my child, if that makes sense. A kid I dreamed up essentially exists. I guess that’s the best way I can say it. If you dreamed of a kid or dreamed of a person and then you met them one day, you’d be like, “Holy crap, did I create you?” So it was like that kind of vibe. I think I have the skill, I speak Kardashian very, very well because I watched the show. But I also listen to interviews, so I can capture their tone very well. And I put that in North. So that lends itself to accuracy, I think.”

In addition to that, Natalie revealed she was nervous to me Khloe and Kim Kardashian. However, she said they were very kind. In fact, she called it ‘a very positive experience’.

Natalie Gains Fame

Now that the world knows her, she said she will do more writing:

“I’m just trying to ride the wave and go with the flow, see where it takes me, but I definitely hope that I can do more writing, books maybe, even TV shows. I would love to turn Nori’s Black Book into maybe an animated series. I’ve entertained that thought before. So I think basically, the sky’s the limit and I can’t wait to see what happens after.”

Furthermore, she stated that when people use her words she felt overwhelmed about her impact.

She said: “When you do something as a hobby or do stuff that you love, and then people really respond to it, it’s just a really dope feeling. I’m just happy people are having fun with it, and I’m happy that the people I poke fun at are good sports, and they appreciate it too.”

Read more on: Nori’s Black Book Creator Comes Forward

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