Written by 3:40 pm City Guide, Lifestyle, New York Neighborhood, Spotlight, The New Yorker

March For Science in Nyc


In cities all over the United States, all over the world, people marched for science. Most importantly, climate change. This was all due to President Trump’s comments on budget cuts that would be made to science programs and climate change as well as his comments to global warming. As this planet gets warmer and we damage it even more, the world now more than ever before needs to take a stand to combat these irreversible changes coming due to global warming. New York City was no different in the march for science were thousands marched on Earth Day.

Protesters from all over marched in New York City with signs and shirts reading “Dinosaurs didn’t believe in climate change either” and “Rise up before the waters do”. Some funny and creative but all with a message to the president, who believes global warming is all fake.

It wasn’t just global warming that was at center stage, but it was also biomedical studies that are affected by the cut. Advances in medical studies and initiatives would be greatly affected, which had researchers from different hospitals marching as well.

The march started at Central Park at around 10:30 in the morning and went to Broadway, and Columbus Circle, of course passing Trump International Hotel and Tower. The march ended on West 52nd Street and Broadway.

A lot of things were handed out to protesters on the streets, such as pink paper caps for pro-science that were worn by an anti-Trump women’s activist group. Massive chants were heard in Central Park saying “Science makes America great again!”.

Never did scientists think they would have to march in such a large scale. Usually, global warming was always the main cause of a march to inform the public, but now marching because of cuts due to a president is something on a greater scale that had people who weren’t even scientists, or researchers marching.

Anyone who could not participate in a march was encouraged to watch it via a livestream. Trump responded to the march by saying he was dedicated to protecting the environment as long as it did not impede with the economy.

Featured Image Via Flickr/Via: South Bend Voice

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