Written by 7:10 am Attractions, City Guide, The New Yorker

Heightened Security in Effect at Trump Tower


In the wake of the recent protests, Trump Tower in Manhattan is under heightened security in an effort to keep the president-elect and his family safe. The building where Trump resides is surrounded with barricades, police officers, trucks and bomb-sniffing dogs. Police have also closed 56th Street between Fifth and Sixth avenues to traffic.

Over the next several days, police will work with the Secret Service to come up with a permanent safety solution. Guarding the tower will prove difficult because hundreds of people live and work in the building. In addition, Trump Tower is a highly popular tourist attraction for those visiting the city.

On Wednesday night, some 10,000 protestors marched from Union Square to Trump Tower. Those marching were protesting the outcome of the election on Tuesday. According to police, around 65 protesters were arrested at Columbus Circle during the march. As of Thursday afternoon, there were not any noticeable protesters, but there were large groups of people in the area.

The Federal Aviation Administration imposed temporary flight restrictions two miles around Trump Tower as a safety precaution. The notice bars aircraft from flying 2,999 feet below midtown Manhattan as well as some parts of Brooklyn and Queens. Military aircraft supporting the Secret Service and police and emergency aircraft are exempt.

In a press conference held on Thursday, Mayor Bill de Blasio said:

“It’s a challenge but not an overwhelming challenge. We’re talking about the next few months. The NYPD will come up with a plan, but there’s a clear position in this country that we let people protest, so protestors shouldn’t be moved too far away.”

The mayor then joked that because the holidays are coming up, midtown will be ‘all messed up anyway.’ The extreme security measures will be put to the test as many more protests are anticipated over the next few days. There is another upcoming ‘Not My President’ march scheduled for Saturday at Union Square.


Featured Image via Flickr/brad_t

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