Written by 1:13 am Fashion, Profiles, The New Yorker, Women Style

Brazilian Culture Meets NYC


With all focus on the Olympics, and sports in Brazil, one can easily forget about the culture that comes from the host country. With Brazil hosting, it is home to some of the most known cultural activites in the world, such as samba dancing, the carnaval, and so much more. Mari Giudicelli, a Brazilian-born model, set out on a mission in the Big Apple to find a little bit of home in a city far more different in culture from the exotic, Rio De Janeiro.

At the Rio market in Astoria, Queens, Giudicelli could not contain her excitement when walking through it.  Seeing desserts from her childhood, as well as goiabada, a typical dish from her country, it was enthralling for her to see some of her countries delicacies in a city so far from what she calls home.

Giudicelli has been living in New York City for six years, attending Parsons School of Design, and with hopes of later attending FIT. She has high expectations for becoming a fashion designer. That expectation is already taking foot, as she currently has a shoe label, which consists of Brazilian loafers. With her modeling and fashion career her schedule is becoming more and more busy, but when she does have time, she goes back home to see her family and friends.

Currently living and working out of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, she has had to make sacrifices in missing out family functions back in Brazil. Although missing out, she is making the most out of her time here in the Big Apple. She has been on the hunt for Brazilian culture in a city known more for its hustle and bustle, rather than eccentric and vibrant colors and culture, she spends her time off here in the city sipping on a caipirinha at Miss Favela, a Brazilian themed bar. She said she is ‘proud’ of her country hosting the Olympics, contrary to what some of her friends back at home thought.

Featured Image via Wikimedia

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