Written by 9:20 pm Art Exhibitions, ARTS & CULTURE, City Guide, New York Neighborhood

Another Skyscraper For NYC


New York City is home to some of the tallest and most known skyscrapers in the world. Seen from miles and miles away, the Big Apple’s skyline is one to be known around the world. With new buildings being added on it will only become more of a modern metropolis than it already was.

Welcome in a new building soon to make it’s debut on One Vanderbilt. Not exactly soon, but in just a few years, a new ‘glassy’ tower will open up right across from Grand Central. The new tower will be 1,401 feet, and has been given the go-ahead to begin building. Although this new tower will be a glimmering new edition to the ever more modern New York City, it will come with a long history.

Back in 2015, a lawsuit was filed by the investment group, Midtown TDR Ventures LLC, that owns Grand Central Terminal against the developers of the skyscraper, SL Green. The lawsuit claimed the air rights it wanted with SL Green, but the de Blasio administration and city council rezoned the area near grand central, giving SL Green the air rights to build the new building. Although Midtown did not win the case, it was given $22o million in improvements to it’s transportation system. Not happy with the exchange, Midtown claimed that it’s territory is now being violated and then sued for $1.1 billion.

The whole trouble ended with Midtown getting an undisclosed amount for ending litigation. So as all the trouble ended, it seems as if all won, with New Yorker’s getting a new tall building, Midtown making improvements to our trains that are used by thousands, and SL Green with the accomplishment of getting to build a new building in one of the greatest cities in the world.

The building is expected to have a plaza, and new subway entrance, and is set to open in 2021.

Featured Image via Wikimedia

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