Written by 9:25 pm Best of Best, Lifestyle, Travel

Why Every Girl Wants To Live in NYC


New York is the city of dreams, and a truly great place to spend the holiday season. People from all over the world come to visit this amazing city. Key word: visit.

Via Photo Spin

Via Photo Spin

While New York is famously popular for it’s size, riches and glamour, most people find the thought of moving into such a large, dirty place disturbing and down right unwise. The typical first response to any vocal inclination to move to NYC usually entails something like, “You want to live there? I couldn’t stand living without grass,” or the usual, “good luck trying to afford that.” Wake up call everyone, New York is the most populated city in the U.S; therefore people—millions of them actually—who all have jobs that pay the rent, and who (shockingly) live with minimum grass, must live there. With all these negative connotations, why then do so many 20-something girls dream of moving to the big city you ask?

New York is the subject of the first track of Taylor Swift’s newest album, 1989. It’s the stomping grounds of Sarena van der Woodson and Blair Waldorf, and the adult playground of Carrie Bradshaw. New York is full of rich Wall Street prospects, hipster photographers and struggling artists. It hosts the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and not to mention is home to the actual Macy’s (shopping, shopping, and more shopping please). The nightlife, the fashion, the job market, the money: New York screams the glamour and excitement of the fast paced city-life that almost every 20-something dreams about. New York breathes ambition, and is host to some of the most powerful businesspeople in the U.S.

Via Photo Spin

Via Photo Spin

So the next time anyone questions a NYC dreamer’s (or your own) ambitions, remember that living in the city will happen, and there are so many opportunities and ways to make it work. Don’t give up your dream, because the millions of other girls waiting to move to NYC in two years wont either. As Taylor Swift dutifully reminds us, “It’s been waiting for you,” and honestly, it really is.

Image via flikr/ric_burger

Written by: Caroline Alkire

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