Tag: asia

North Korea Announces its Missiles Prepared for Mass Production

Aircraft, Uncategorized • 4 Comments

North Korea asserted on Monday that it had victoriously tested what it claimed to be an...
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South Korea’s Newly Elected President Intends to Assuage Tensions With China

Boats & Yachts, Fine Living, Lifestyle, Uncategorized • 5 Comments

This Thursday, the new president of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, quickly moved to better relations with China through his announcement of his...
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Apple iPhones Gearing Up to Face Import Bans in US?

Career, Fast Money, Fine Living, Hustle & Bustle, Leisure, Lifestyle, Money Tips, Tech

iPhone unit sales have suffered a hit in the second quarter of 2017, and consumers are eagerly on the lookout to determine which iPhone 8...
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Philippines’ Duterte invited to White House by Trump

Fine Living, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle

President Donald Trump extended an invitation to his diverging Philippines counterpart to the White...
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Pence Kick Starts Changes in US-Asia Trade

Career, Fast Money, Hustle & Bustle, Lifestyle

The US is seeking “stronger and more balanced bilateral trade relationships” such nations such as Japan and South Korea, reveled Pence...
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