Tag: medicine

One Step Closer to an HIV Cure?

Fine Living, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle

A “promising cure” for HIV and Aids has recently been discovered, according to the scientists...
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New Study Claims Low-Dose Aspirin Related to Lower Breast Cancer Risk

Fine Living, Health & Fitness, Leisure, Lifestyle • One Comment

According to a study published in the journal Breast Cancer Research this past Monday, women who regularly took a low-dose aspirin were...
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CDC Alerts: US Yellow Fever Vaccine Will Run Short This Summer

Cruises, Discovery, Fine Living, Health & Fitness, Leisure, Lifestyle, Tech, Travel, Vacations

According to a statement released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) this past Friday, American supplies of yellow...
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Controversy Ensues After Recent Report Claims Saturated Fats Do Not Increase Heart Risk

Cooking, Dining & Wine, Fine Living, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle

In a bold move which challenged the mainstream medical though, three cardiologists have recently...
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Careful: Alcohol Linked to Heart Arrhythmias

Bars, Cooking, Dining & Wine, Fine Living, Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Restaurants, Travel

Researchers in Germany conducted a study that has led them to the conclusion that getting drunk is correlated with heart arrhythmias, which...
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If You Have the Flu, Slimy Frog Might Be Your Newest Ally

Health & Fitness, Leisure, Lifestyle

Yes, you did read that correctly. Despite how strange it may sound; slimy frogs might actually be useful in fending off the feared flu. In...
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Progress in the Fight to Beat HIV

Health & Fitness, Lifestyle

A ground-breaking discovery has recently been made in the medical field, which is bringing...
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Alarming Study Shows 20% of Patients with Serious Conditions Initially Misdiagnosed

Health & Fitness, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

New research published this past Tuesday shows that over twenty percent of patients who went after a second opinion at one of the leading...
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