Written by 2:40 pm Bars, Restaurants

Sunday Funday is Becoming More Fun


When one thinks of Sunday in New York, they think of sports, relaxation, and brunch. Three leisure activities that could all potentially involve alcohol. An old prohibition law, dating back to 1934, did not allow alcohol to be served until noon. This law was made in order to regulate the production, sales and manufacturing of alcohol.

The law was seen as ‘ancient and useless’ to many restaurant owners, and customers. Now, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, the senate, and the assembly are bringing a sigh of relief to restaurant owners, pub owners, and small businesses as the law that was meant to do more good than harm, is now being considered for being removed.

The legislation is expected to be signed soon by Cuomo. It comes as mostly good news to restaurants and pubs, as the new law, also referred to as the “Brunch Bill”, would allow patrons to drink at 10 A.M. rather than noon. The Restaurant Association, which consists of roughly 2,000 members, wanted the new law to start at 8 A.M., rather than 10 A.M., although a compromise was made to keep it to 10 A.M.. The new law would take affect in two months, leaving owners very happy as sales could increase a significant amount. Although the new law would allow alcohol consumption to be earlier, it still does not have a tolerance for businesses who will not oblige. Businesses who defy the law can be shut down by the State Liquor Authority. For many businesses, sports and alcohol are what make their success, so when alcohol was to be served at noon it took away a portion of their sales. With the new law being implemented in what could be as little as two months, the antique prohibition law will be vanished, and New Yorker’s can raise a glass to an earlier “Sunday Funday”.

Featured Image via Flickr/ Zaheer Baksh Photography

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